A young Burmese boy walks out of his village, vowing to return as a doctor to rescue his people from persecution.


I met Sasa when he was graduating medical school, on the eve of his return to the Burmese border of India. He asked me to return with him to film his efforts to start a health-care training program for his people. Six months later, I was riding in a jeep caravan, over washed-out roads, for 22 hours, with a motion-sick cameraman, on our way to film at the remote jungle location where Sasa had begun to carve out his center. Along the way, and everywhere we went, the people could not believe anyone would come so far, through rain, mud and in spite of all the obstacles, to reach them and find out their stories. We are still accumulating photos, information and footage -- and so the story of Sasa and what he's battling and accomplishing, goes on...
